Auto Components We Clean

Auto Components We Clean


Undercarriage, chassis, frame, and other underbody components.

Brake Components

Brake calipers, rotors, pads, and other brake system parts

Exhaust Systems

Exhaust manifolds, catalytic converters, silencers, and other exhaust system parts

Electrical Components

Wiring harnesses, connectors, control modules, and other electrical parts

Suspension Components

Control arms, ball joints, sway bars, and other suspension system parts

Interior Surfaces

Upholstery, carpets, hard surfaces, and other interior components

Radiators and Cooling Systems

Radiators, condensers, cooling fans, and other cooling system component

Fuel Systems

Fuel injectors, throttle bodies, intake manifolds, and other fuel system components

Body Panels and Paint Preparation

Adhesive residue removal

Wheels and Tyres

Wheels, brake dust removal, dirt and grime removal, and tyre preparation

Air Conditioning Systems

Evaporator coils, condenser coils, vents, ductwork, and other air conditioning components

Engine Components

Engine blocks, cylinder heads, valves, pistons, and other engine parts